insurance data

As an insurance professional, you are often faced with difficulties in analyzing your insurance data, for various reasons:

🔎 Unclear and/or unreliable data

📈 Lack of KPIs adapted to your business: how to identify the profit and loss centers of your portfolios, how to justify your choices with credible scenarios?

🎯 Difficulty in presenting your results clearly to speed up decision-making

We have designed a tool specially adapted to your insurance needs: Prima Analytics is a portfolio analysis, exploration and rate simulation solution that enables you to better understand your data and optimize your decision-making.

During this demonstration, you will discover several specific uses cases with Prima Analytics, including:

  • How can you clean and aggregate your transactional data to conduct precise and reliable analyses?
  • How can you have a comprehensive view of your portfolio in terms of profitability and trends?
  • How can you anticipate and simulate the impact of price changes and/or inflation?

The video also includes feedback from Sanlam Allianz, a long-standing Prima Analytics customer who has equipped more than 15 of its subsidiaries with the Prima Analytics solution, making it a central decision-making tool within the group.

👇 Complete the form below to discover in the replay of our webinar how Prima Analytics can help you improve your decision-making.